with my Colleagues in the profession

with my Colleagues in the profession
after our pinning ceremony

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EDUCATION: Any act or experience that has a formative effect on mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, Education is the process by which society deliberately transmit its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Teaching Effectiveness

          An important commitment of any teacher to his profession is to continue to grow professionally and strive to be continuously effective in his teaching. An effective teacher is not born but made. Teaching competence is gained through hard work and genuine desire to improve.

          There is no one best method in teaching. Teaching method depend on the classroom learning environment. teachers should be able to to understand how students learn and should make their teaching responsive to those who do not  learn and retain information in the conventional way.

           Educational researches have shown  that identification of the factors/elements that affect the way students learn have significantly improved student achievement and attitude towards learning.

           It is on the considerations that a seminar  workshop on teaching effectiveness shall be conducted to every learning institution to equip the faculty staff with with improved techniques, new trends, effective approaches  and modern strategies.

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